Thursday, 14 October 2010

starting a conversation


ok guys lets talk (pun intended), your cool,calm and confident with a mischievous smile behind your eyes. your suited, booted and looking fine, when across the way you notice a drop dead gorgeous honey. your eyes lock, you give that knowing smile  and nod. she returns the smile and looks down shyly. oh its game on, you cross the room to where she stands. you open your mouth and…

now what? what clever chat up line do you use here? well here's the #1 best opening line ever. are you ready for it? are you sure? well here it goes. hi! you can also use hello or pleased to meet you if you prefer but the first line out of your mouth should be a basic greeting with an offered hand for a hand shake. when you bump into your friend do you go straight into conversation or do you say hey mate first? usually followed by how's it hanging? well the same applies here just moderated to who you are so if your more cultured you might say hello miss (offer hand) how are you this morning/ evening (when she shakes it) or if your more “street” you might go wassup babe (offer hand) how ya doin? (when she shakes it) just remember that she doesn't know you yet so use a simple greeting to make her comfortable before you begin to chat her up. now there's a chance she will begin the conversation from there and if so go with it. if not we go to the reason for being there.

i don't know the actual statistics and cant be arsed to look them up as there not important to the point (look them up yourself if your that curious) but a study was done where someone asked people if he could have a seat on the subway and most of them refused. then he asked the same amount of people but added a reason, saying can i have a seat i have a bad leg. and most people gave him a seat. then he tried it again adding a silly reason, asking can i have a seat i have a nose. and amazingly most people gave him a seat again. so most people will go along with you as long as you give them a reason, any reason! of course we’re all about honesty but the point here is you don't have to think of something clever just honest, and chances are she will go along with it. for instance, i saw you look at me and i thought we shared a moment so i just had to come talk to you. or, i had to come talk to you as your the sexiest bird I've seen all night etc. after that you have a choice between a double bind (giving her two choices, both in your favour) like, so shall we leave now or have another drink first? or a qualifier (asking a question that gets her to prove herself to you) like, so i know your good looking but are you interesting? depending on how the interaction is going so far. if its Luke warm double bind, if she's really into you qualify. if she goes along with either approach proceed to conversation. if she rejects your approach but doesn't walk away its time to test that new confidence, grab your balls and not back down or apologise. if its a quiet rejection like, I'm sorry but i have a boyfriend. then you say something polite but not apologetic like, that's a shame but i suppose we can just be friends as long as you don't mind the fact that i still want to fuck you. if on the other hand she gets all melodramatic and says something like, i cant believe you said that! then its game on. ramp it up and don't back down, for example using the double bind above. so that's another drink first. ok, but your buying. once the playing is over, if she starts to go along with you move to conversation. well now you know how get to the conversation, what do you say in it? I'm not going to tell you till next time. so till then guys be cool and stay sexy.


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