Sunday, 10 October 2010

mind-sets 2


Welcome back guys, as promised here's the positive mind-set section. Here we will be covering confidence, leadership and brutal honesty with her and ourselves. Just remember these mind-sets  are the extremes and are for people lacking in these areas to help them shift their wrong thinking, but as with everything in life, you can have too much of a good thing. If you become a vain, egomaniacal dictator who tells fat women to go on a diet, you've gone too far.

So what is confidence? Well, basically it's believing in yourself and not seeking validation from others. Don't think what can I do to impress her but what can she do to impress me, you should always believe she wants you (it doesn't have to be true but believe it anyway) as long as you love yourself there's no reason she shouldn't love you too. Stop worrying what others think of you, as all they're doing is worrying what others think of them. So remember you love you, all the women want you and all the men want to be you, so any rejection you get is just people intimidated by your awesomeness and is their problem. So to recap confidence, I love me, I'm going to be me, and I'm not going to change me to please you so if you don't like it goodbye, and it was nice to meet you. It's my reality, and you're just living in it.

Next up is leadership. I'm all for equality, but a real man leads. You make the decisions, others get a say, but the final choice is yours. Time to be the man with a plan, stop asking and start telling (just remember guys no means no, if she doesn't want to go with your plan politely accept her refusal then take your attention away from her.) don't say excuse me would you like to dance, say come on lets dance. Don't say what do you fancy for dinner, say I'm in the mood for a curry, come with me. If she asks you to go shopping with her don't for any reason on earth say whatever you say dear, say that sounds like a good idea I needed a new shirt anyway, and you can help me pick one out (if she does help you pick one out remember any reason on earth above, get her to pick a few shirts then you pick the one of her choices you like best.) in case your worried about making the wrong choices it is more important to be certain and decisive than right, what to when your choices are wrong are covered in the next section…

Honesty, a rather foreign idea between men and women nowadays, but if you don't ask, you don't get. If you think she has a great butt, don't tell her she has a lovely smile. If she accuses you of just trying to get in her pants tell her she's absolutely right, and if you do something stupid tell her well that was stupid. Always be ready to call out the elephant in the room. So now you're pointing out your own mistakes before others  can and telling a woman why you really like her and what you want from her (just try to be eloquent guys, you look pretty let's have sex is probably not your best choice of lines but then again if she's horny enough it might still work) we get to the other side of the coin. It's not necessary to agree with every thing she says to score brownie points, in fact quite the opposite. Some of my most interesting evenings have come from arguments with women (that's arguments as in reasoned debates from differing standpoints, not I must stress yelling in each other's faces. That can work too, but you really don't want to hang out with girls like that plus you're Mr calm and polite without a care in the world why the hell are you yelling?) if she puts forward a good case feel free to calmly stand corrected but if not you are a rock that will not be moved just so she can get her way, in the event of a stalemate just agree to disagree. So now we have your brain sorted out there may be more mind-sets to come, but that's enough to be going on with and is the biggest of the 3 main non-verbal communications next time we cover the other biggie, eye contact. Till then guys be cool and stay sexy.


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