Thursday, 21 October 2010

do i amuse you?


hey guys, the funny thing about being funny is that too much isn't funny. a sharp rapier wit like Oscar wilde is good. jumping on double entendres like a carry on movie is fine and comic banter is also ok. telling joke after joke like her own personal stand up comedian is not. making her groan at jokes will not make her groan in the bedroom so remember being funny is not doing funny.

both comedy and attraction are about building tension and work in the same way so as long you have attraction you don't have to be Doug Stanhope to make her laugh hence the fact that twilight loving teen girls think Dane cook is funny. but it also works the other way hence Adam Sandler gets laid. the trick is to be naturally funny so don't search desperately for something funny to say but don't stop yourself saying something funny just because you think its not that good, you should never do someone else's thinking for them.

well onto how to be naturally funny. this is basically improv comedy and there are lots of places on the internet and improv classes everywhere but the first rule of improv is the most important and that is “yes, and” or agree then elaborate. the choices for elaborate are to take to the extreme, the absurd or in an unexpected direction. this also works for insults so as an example of the three lets say your talking to a girl and a bloke walks up and says your gay, your choices are. (extreme) absolutely I'm thinking about your cock right now. hopefully this girl can change me and put me back on the straight and narrow. (absurd)of course but only for doughnuts, then again aren't we all gay for doughnuts especially the ones with sprinkles. (change direction) you already knew that. don't you remember paying me £20 to blow you in the bathroom? although with a dick that small i should have given you a discount.

then there are the shit tests like a woman saying you only want to get in her knickers. (extreme)absolutely. lets go then. (absurd) yes. they might be a stretch but they would go lovely with my camisole. (change direction) your only saying that because you want to get in my pants. what kind of boy do you take me for at least buy me a drink first.

so you get the general idea. go out there and have fun with it, just don't sue me for any slaps received if you mess it up. remember i already told you its about mind-set. if your having fun, there having fun. if you get slapped its your fault for being in your own head. till next time guys be cool and stay sexy.



  1. Damn good post.

    Alan Roger Currie,
    Author, "Mode One: Let the Women Know What You're REALLY Thinking"

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